Don't Miss IMMUNOLOGY 2019™!
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Program Registration Awards Careers Hotel/Travel Exhibits

Don't Miss IMMUNOLOGY 2019™!

Approximately 2,000 abstracts expected! Over 450 first-author members receive AAI travel awards each year!
Hear the most distinguished immunologists in the field!
Guest societies from around the world participate and feature specialized immunology topic areas!
Exciting 2019 Gala aboard the USS Midway aircraft carrier and museum featuring live music, dancing, and interactive displays!
An Exhibit Hall with hundreds of exhibits and products on display!
Look for the Call for Abstracts / Preliminary Program coming soon to!


Enjoy member discounts — Renew or join AAI today to become
eligible for awards and to save on registration and abstract fees!


IMMUNOLOGY 2019TM Call for Abstracts



OCTOBER 31, 2018
• Career Award
Nominations Deadline

NOVEMBER 28, 2018
• Abstract Submission Opens
• Travel Award
Applications Open

DECEMBER 18, 2018
• Registration Opens

JANUARY 14, 2019
• Abstract Submission
•  Travel Award
Applications Deadline

MARCH 29, 2019
• Early Registration
Discount Deadline

APRIL 5, 2019
• Discounted Hotel
Rates Deadline

© 2018 The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650 | Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: (301) 634-7178 | Fax: (301) 634-7887 |
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